Taylor Macklin


Sorry I’m Late. XOXO Echo (Cologne, DE)
23.11. – 19.12.2018
Der Alltag (Sensationen des Gewöhnlichen), Andrea Büttner, Nicolas Buzzi, Brice Dellsperger, Maya Deren, Ayasha Guerin, Flavio Merlo & Ben Rosenthal, Eva Meyer & Eran Schaerf, Carissa Rodriguez, Li Tavor, Miriam Yammad, Constantina Zavitsanos

Reading Community Outreach Mural Workshop
10.6. – 22.7.2018
Matt Copson and Alastair Mackinven

The Stallion
A concert by Alastair Mackinven and Ben Wallers (from the Country Teasers

Spinal Discipline
Irena Haiduk

New Day Rising
24.2 – 1.4.2018
Camille Blatrix

Finally, you are in me
18.11.2017 – 21.1.2018
Özgür Kar and CANAN

Eine Führung durch das Quartier Schwamendingen mit Ruth Erdt

Bunter Protest
26.8. – 8.10.2017
An exhibition and a screening organized by Simon Lässig, Vera Lutz and Zacharias Wackwitz, with films from 1991 – 2017 by Soufiane Adel, Maria-Rosa Bobbi und Michael Busse, Alice Creischer, Heike-Karin Foell, Rainer Ganahl, Josef Kramhöller, Tiphanie Mall.

Normalbühne (Zürich)
10.06 – 20.08.2017
Silke Otto-Knapp

Short Psychogeographic Short Film Festival
A screening presented by Pirate Cinema Berlin

Fünf neue Bilder
25.2. – 2.4.2017
Stefan Burger

25.2. – 2.4.2017
Adrian Williams

Auto Fictions
1.11.2016 – 29.1.2017
Gerry Bibby

Paris Internationale (Paris, FR)
19.10. – 23.10.2016
Stefan Burger, Kerry Downey and Joanna Seitz in collaboration with Jen Rosenblit, Simon Lässig, Miriam Laura Leonardi, Ariane Müller, Constantin Thun, and Hannah Weinberger; with a reading by Mitchell Anderson.

A Month of Sundays
22.9. – 6.11.2016
Juliette Blightman, Morgan Fisher, Vanessa Safavi, Joke Schmidt, Michael Smith, Jean-Frédéric Schnyder. Curated by Clément Delépine.

11.6. – 28.8.2016
Studio for Propositional Cinema

Fade In: A Tracking Shot (Istituto Svizzero di Roma, IT)
1.4. – 6.5.2016
Rosa Aiello, Marco Barrera, Battle-ax, Dawn Mok, Jazz Bar, Ian Markell, Emma McMillan, Johann Neumeister, Sarah Ortmeyer, Daniel Peterson, POOL Bar, Rose Salane, Eric Schmid, Starship, Studio for Propositional Cinema, UOM, Roger Van Voorhees

Fade Out: Someone, in the silence, is moving
12.3. – 20.5.2016

Parallel program to Fade In: A Tracking Shot by Ian Wooldridge.

Anguish Immersed in Silane Chains
16.1. – 21.2.2016
Julia Znoj

16.1. – 21.2.2016
Paolo Thorsen-Nagel

A Stream With Bright Fish
6.11. – 13.12.2015
Judith Kakon

What's Left Unsaid, Says It All
6.11. – 13.12.2015
Davide Stucchi, curated by Mattia Ruffolo.

Do You Think I'm Dressed? Because I'm Not.
12.9. – 18.10.2015; Performance: 23.10.2015
Marc Hunziker

29.8. – 11.10.2015
Cédric Eisenring and Thomas Sauter
In collaboration with Plymouth Rock

Lithic Reductions
13.6. – 18.8.2015; Screening: 12.11.2015
Nina Koennemann


13.6. – 19.7.2015
Bea Schlingelhoff

The Best Answer You Can Give is Symmetry, Episode 2
A performance by Lina Hermsdorf with Andrew Hardwidge, proposed by Fabian Schöneich.

Pave Me A River
17.5. – 7.6.2015
Daniel Peterson, proposed by Eva Kenny.

Pant Hotel (Galveston, TX, USA)
Jo-ey Tang

The Sunken Living Room
A reading by Garrett Nelson.

Nec Plus Ultra
21.2. – 21.3.2015
Marius Engh

Sorry I'm Late. XOXO Echo
21.2. – 21.3.2015

Un pour la route (Paris, FR)
6.11. – 13.11.2014
Brian Khek, Pascual Sisto, Bryan Schutmaat, Jennifer Teets featuring Nicholas Hatfull, and Amy Yao.

Essential Loneliness
31.8. – 9.10.2014
Kerstin Cmelka, Michael Dean, Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys, Heinz Peter Knes, Nick Mauss, Henrik Olesen, Mandla Reuter, Yael Salomonowitz, Heji Shin, Tobias Spichtig, Peter Wächtler, Adrian Williams, Austin Willis, and Anicka Yi; with a reading by Tenzing Barshee. Arranged by Nikola Dietrich.

Against the Sun
24.7. – 24.8.2014
Luis Albisser and Mathias Renner, Maya Deren, Cédric Eisenring, Brigit Naef, Nick Oberthaler, and Ian Wooldridge; with the help of Beck Books, Louisa Gagliardi, and Martin Jaeggi.

14.6. – 11.7.2014
Julieta Aranda, Jess Arndt, Kerry Downey and Joanna Seitz, in collaboration with Jen Rosenblit, Rochelle Goldberg, Nicolàs Guagnini, Dmitri Hertz, Dustin Hodges, Lee Maida, Marlie Mul, Carlos Reyes, Karin Schneider.

All-American Boy On Trial
7.5. – 1.6.2014
Mitchell Anderson

28.3. – 25.4.2014
Darja Bajagic, Vittorio Brodmann, Georg Gatsas, Nina Koennemann, Sergey Kostromin, Tobias Madison, Mandla Reuter, Torben Ribe, Davide Stucchi, Nik Colk Void, and Peter Wächtler; with a special contribution from Walter Pfeiffer.

Taylor Macklin is an artist-run space organized by Gina Folly, Michèle Graf and Selina Grüter formerly based in Zurich, Schwamendingen. Previous members are Adam Cruces and Thomas Julier.